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 Yellow mosaic virus causes huge damage to papaya cultivation in Maharashtra

Yellow mosaic virus causes huge damage to papaya cultivation in Maharashtra

For your information, let you know that Nandurbar district is considered to be the largest papaya producing district in Maharashtra. Papaya orchards in more than 3000 hectares of area are vulnerable to this virus. Due to this, the hard work of the farmers and the cost of lakhs of rupees has been wasted. The farmers demanded compensation from the government.

After ruining soybean cultivation, the outbreak of yellow mosaic virus is currently being seen on papaya cultivation. Because of this, papaya farmers are in great distress. The virus has affected papaya orchards in more than 3,000 hectares in Nandurbar district alone, ruining the hard work of farmers and the cost of lakhs of rupees. The mosaic virus has been seen destroying the papaya crop after soybean in various districts of Maharashtra, including in Nandurbar district. A lot of papaya orchards in the district are on the verge of destruction due to mosaic virus.

The government had helped soybean farmers damaged by mosaic virus

Just as the state government had promised assistance for the losses suffered by soybean farmers due to mosaic virus. At present, similarly, papaya farmers are also expecting cooperation from the government. Maharashtra is a major fruit producing state. But the problems of its cultivators are not taking the name of lessening. This year, farmers have not received any special price for grapes. The price of oranges has fallen due to Bangladesh's policies affecting exports. Now papaya is being hit by nature.

Also read: Soybean crop destroyed due to Kewra disease outbreak among farmers

What problem has emerged in papaya cultivation?

Due to viral diseases on papaya, the leaves of its trees fall quickly. The leaves at the top shrivel, because of this the fruits are damaged by sunlight. Traders refuse to buy such fruits, papayas in more than 3000 hectares area in the district have been found to be highly affected by this mosaic virus. However, different types of measures are being taken by the farmers to control it. But, the crisis on papaya does not seem to be over. Therefore, the farmers are demanding that the district be declared drought and immediate help should be announced to all the farmers.

Also read: Farmers should do this work, otherwise papaya cultivation will be ruined

Need to establish research centre on papaya

Nandurbar district is considered to be the largest papaya producing district in Maharashtra. Each year the papaya crop is affected by various diseases. But, there is no papaya research centre in the State to conduct research on papaya. For this reason, it is imperative for the central and state governments to start a papaya research centre in Nandurbar and control the various diseases affecting papaya, so that the hard work of the farmers does not go to waste.

What are the symptoms of yellow mosaic disease?

Yellow mosaic disease is mainly found in soybeans. This causes yellow spots near the main veins of the leaves. These yellow spots appear in a scattered state. As the leaves grow, brown spots begin to appear on them. Sometimes heavy infestation causes the leaves to shrivel and wilt. Because of this, production gets affected.

Also read: ICAR explains soybean pest and disease control measures

Yellow mosaic disease prevention measure

The Agriculture Department has described the solution to uproot diseased trees and bury them in the ground or put blue and yellow nets to completely eliminate yellow mosaic disease. Due to this disease, productivity decreases by 30 to 90 percent. Due to this, the Agriculture Department has appealed to the farmers to take precautions in time.

 If leaf web insects are not managed in time, significant losses can occur for mango, guava, litchi, and other fruit crops in orchards.

If leaf web insects are not managed in time, significant losses can occur for mango, guava, litchi, and other fruit crops in orchards.

It's important to note that leaf web insects can cause significant losses for fruit crops in orchards if not managed in time. According to  Dr. SK Singh, a Professor of Plant Pathology and Head of the Department at the Post Graduate Department of Plant Pathology, this insect has become a major pest in recent years due to heavy moisture in the b environment. The insect, commonly caused by mango, guava, and litchi leaf weevil, can cause extensive damage to fruit orchards. The insect becomes active from July until December and lays eggs on the leaves, which then hatch and eat the leaves. Proper management and pruning are essential to prevent these pests from causing damage to gardens and orchards.

Also read: To effectively manage leaf webber pests in mango, guava, and litchi trees, a comprehensive approach that includes both preventive and curative measures is necessary. Leaf webbers are common pests that belong to various families of moths, such as Pyralidae and Crambidae. They are known for building web-like structures on the leaves of fruit trees and consuming leaf tissue within the shelter. The larvae of these insects are the main cause of damage, as they feed on leaves and can cause extensive damage to the tree if not controlled. Mango, guava, and litchi trees are particularly vulnerable to infestation by these pests. If you encounter any problems related to diseases and pests, there is a helpline number available to assist you in resolving them.

Identification of Leaf Weber Insects

It's important to correctly identify the particular leaf weaver species that is affecting your fruit trees before delving deeper into management strategies. Various types of weevils can infest mango, guava, and litchi, and their appearance and life cycles can differ. One common symptom of leaf webber infection is the presence of silky webs on leaves and leaf drops. You may also spot small, green caterpillars inside the web.

Also read: Now farmers themselves will export litchi abroad, the government gives green signal

Preventive Measures

To prevent leaf webber infestations in mango, guava, and litchi trees, several preventive measures can be taken. Regular pruning of trees is essential to improve air circulation and penetration of sunlight, which can make the environment less favorable for leaf trapping. It's also important to maintain the proper distance between trees to reduce the density in the garden and prevent the spread of infection

Proper distance between trees

Maintaining proper distance between trees helps reduce density in the garden and also reduces the spread of infection.

Removing infected leaves

Immediately remove and destroy Webber-infected leaves to prevent the spread of pests.

Biological control

Encourage Natural Predators Attract and protect natural predators such as ladybugs, lacewings, and parasitic wasps that feed on leaf weaver larvae.

Also read: You can reduce your agricultural costs by adopting organic pest control tips.

Release beneficial insects

Consider using beneficial insects such as Trichogramma wasps that lay their eggs in Weber eggs, thereby controlling their populations.

Chemical-free option

Neem Oil: Neem oil acts as a natural insecticide and can be used as a spray on leaves to prevent leaf webs. Garlic and chili spray: A homemade solution made from garlic and chili peppers can help remove leaf webs. If there is an organically managed orchard, spraying with B.thurungiensis is recommended.

Chemical control

If preventive measures and biological control methods are not sufficient, you need to resort to chemical control options. It is important to use pesticides judiciously, following safety guidelines and considering their potential environmental impact. Consult local agricultural authorities or entomologists for guidance on choosing the most appropriate chemical control methods.

Also read: Know what are the differences between pest control and pest management


Selective insecticides: Use insecticides that specifically target leaf webber insects while sparing beneficial insects. Systemic insecticides: Some systemic insecticides can be applied to the soil or trunk, allowing the tree to absorb the chemical and inhibit leaf weaver larvae. Cutting the web from time to time using any tool and burning it reduces the ferocity of the insect. This work should be done at regular intervals. After this, spray Lambdaisothrin 5 EC (2 ml/liter of water). The second spray should be done after 15-20 days of the first spray with either Lambdacylothrin 5 EC (2 ml/Lit of water) or Quinalphos 25 EC (1.5 ml/Lit of water).

Time of application

Use insecticides during the initial stage of leaf webber infestation for better control.

Prevent the development of pesticide resistance

To prevent the development of pesticide resistance, use different chemical classes in rotation as needed.

Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is an approach that combines various strategies to manage leaf webber pests efficiently while minimizing harm to the environment and non-target species. The process involves continuous monitoring, making decisions based on the extent of pest infestation, and using a combination of different agronomic measures, biological control methods, and chemical control methods.

Also read: Integrated organic farming will make the earth fertile: Happy farmer, healthy human being.

Monitoring and decision-making

Monitoring Methods Regularly inspect trees for signs of infestation such as webbing and larvae in the leaves. Use pheromone traps to monitor adult weaver populations.

insect limits

Establish pest limits to determine when intervention is necessary. This ensures that you apply control measures only when pest populations reach a certain level, preventing unnecessary pesticide use.


Keep detailed records of pest populations, weather conditions, and control measures implemented. This data helps in making decisions for future pest management.


Effective management of leaf webber pests in mango, guava, and litchi trees requires a comprehensive approach that combines various strategies such as cultural, biological, chemical, and integrated pest management. To prevent leaf webber infestations, it is recommended that preventive measures are implemented, natural predators of leaf webber are promoted and chemical control options are used sparingly. Regular monitoring and decision-making based on established pest limits are critical for successful leaf webber management. It is important to identify the specific leaf webber species that affect your trees and consult with local agricultural experts for the most appropriate management measures in your area. By following these guidelines, you can help ensure that your fruit trees remain healthy and productive.